The Original PLAYGROUND DIRECTORY, Playground Equipment, and Swing Sets
What is safe on the playground has changed drastically. Playground safety standards, playground audits, maintenance, upkeep and repairs.
The concept of what is a safe playground has changed drastically from the 1940’s and the decades that followed, when asphalt was recommended as the surface of choice under play equipment because it was easily maintained and considered to be safer than concrete. Today we understand the severity of injury that can be caused by impact with a hard surface, and we no longer use asphalt as playground surfacing. Nor do we use maypoles and whirls with openings in the platforms. It is therefore, critical to examine our playgrounds, many of which are aging and obsolete.
Since 1981, when the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued its first set of guidelines for making public playgrounds safer, we have seen a major increase in the number of lawsuits instituted for playground injuries against park departments and school districts. The contents of the 1991 CPSC Handbook for Public Playground Safety served as the criteria against which playgrounds equipment could be measured, and this publication has become the state-of-the-art source for accident claims. Little attention was paid, initially, to this Handbook, since the publication provided recommendations or guidelines, not mandated regulations. But, as the Handbook gained credibility in the courts, it became obvious that, mandated or not, adherence to the Handbook recommendations were critical. Those who chose to ignore them were vulnerable to negligence charges for failing to use federal guidelines to make safer play environments for their children.
In November, 1991, the CPSC issued a revised version of the Handbook, with critical changes from the 1981 edition. The most important of these changes addressed a new age grouping. The earlier guidelines were written for equipment to service the 5 to 12 year olds; the 1991 version now included safety recommendations for ages 2 to 12 years. As a result, there have been changes in rung spacings, to include the head and body measurement of the preschooler, to prevent head entrapment and strangulation on the equipment. Several play components, such as sliding poles and full arch ladders, were not recommended for the under 5 users; different recommendations for each age group were given for guard rails and protective barriers.
In 1986 the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) created a task group to develop a standard for playground surfacing, the cause of a majority of severe injuries in the playground falls. In 1988 the ASTM approved a new committee, F15.29, to develop a set of safety standards for public playgrounds and play areas. And, on 1990, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, after commissioning a study and a review of the existing guidelines, and surfacing testing, issued a report on safety surfacing and began revisions on the 1981 Handbook.
what is a safe playground
In April of 1991 the ASTM published a new standard for playground surfacing. The standard, F1292, provided the testing methods necessary to test the shock absorbing properties of surfacing, to measure the impact attenuation abilities of a playground surface. The G-max for the test is 200 (as previously recommended by the CPSC), and the laboratory tests are clearly defined. This standard is primarily directed to the producers of playground surfaces, and they will then be able to certify to purchasers that their products meet the 200g benchmark.
The CPSC and the ASTM, working together, have developed a comprehensive package for the public. The CPSC revised its guidelines, which were published in November, 1991. These quidelines carry many changes. The new Handbook is only one volume, directed to the public. The technical information on public use playground equipment safety has now been published by ASTM. The new standard, F1487-93, contains the measurements and testing procedures for public playground equipment, as well as use zones and maintenance requirements.
There are differences in the CPSC Handbook and the ASTM Standard. A comprehensive comparison study currently underway will be available shortly, but there are some examples that can currently be compared.
There is clearly a learning process in store for us all, and it will not be an easy task to debrief ourselves on the 1981 Guidelines, and understand the differences between the 1991 CPSC Handbook and the ASTM Specification 1487-93. Not only will we need to know the differences between the two, but we will need to explain the reasons for these differences and their impact on product.
Probably the most valuable service which the 1991 Handbook provides is the clarification of what kind of depth of surface is needed under play equipment for reducing injury severity in falls. For the first time it is possible to determine which loose bulk surface would be best for specific pieces, depending on the height of the equipment. And the CPSC tells us how to measure the “critical fall height” from equipment (from the platform itself, if a protective barrier surrounds the platform, or from the top of the guardrail, if the guardrails are used).
One area not included by CPSC is addressed by ASTM, and that is the issue of safety while providing accessibility to the physically challenged. Note should be taken of the fact that, as of this printing, there are no federal compliance regulations, under the Americans With Disabilities Act, that address safe playground equipment. There is, however, a compliance requirement to make the playground surfaces accessible, and that requirement has been in place for many years.
The U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board has established a Recreation Advisory Committee, which is in the process of developing recmmendations for playgrounds and play equipment accessibility, but the ASTM Standard F147-93 does include an entire section on playground equipment accessibility.
The concern for children’s safety has been escalating over the last few years, but the response and strategies for providing that safety have also been increasing. And the uniquely cooperative work of the three organisations most concerned with safety- NRPA, CPSC and ASTM- have made possible the success with which we are now improving our safe playground areas so that they will provide both a safer and accessible environment in which our children can play, learn and grow.>
Written by Fran Wallach,Ed. D Total Recreation Management Services Inc. 395 South end Ave Suite 29J New York, NY 10280
Playground Directory
(800) 352-1137
The Original
Playground Equipment, and Swing Sets