Adventure Playground

Adventure Playground Equipment
An adventure playground is a playground that goes without structure. It is things like Construction sites or wood piles. Though, in the traditional sense, they are not the manufacture style of the playground with lots of ins and outs to go on “adventures” with. They don’t have the typical bright colors and slides and swings. But, they have lots of textures and things to crawl on and check out. These were always made from junk, wood, and things left around the place. However, our playground technology has evolved and these sorts of playgrounds can be set up with safety in mind as well as allowing for this freestyle play. This style of play is great for the children to be able to try and learn from their experiences around them.
This unrestricted play is the best kind to a child. It allows them to explore their surroundings at their own pace. Question why something is or does what it does. Something that are great for this are waterplay pieces as well as sand. Children have played in the sand forever, for good reason. You can wet it and it sticks or use dry to put through spinners and sift. There are different textures and feels to the sand. And Adventure playground quite often offer sand as one of the components. And, we have sand suppliers as well as water feature suppliers in The Playground directory that can help make these adventure playgounds a reality.
Adventure Playground are full of Play
Play is something that every child needs to learn about life. This may seem silly to some but children learn about how things work and interact in the world by playing. Adventure playgrounds are a great way to allow them to learn what water and sand do when combined. Or that once the water is in the sand it can’t be simply taken out. But, where does it go? How does the sand get dry? These are questions that run through the children’s mind. And, their mini-experiments will help teach them these simple things. These mini-experiments to an adult is playing to a kid. Allowing them to use their own brains to figure out the world and explore their surroundings is huge to their childhood development. The idea is to raise a child that can function as a functioning, caring adult.
Although an Adventure playground can be explored alone. We recommend them bringing friends and interacting with other children. This is how they learn about social skills and cooperation. The act of kindness and sharing can be found all over the playground. Exploring their boundaries and learning behaviors for interacting with other humans is a necessary thing in life. The playground is a great way to learn trust as well. Ever been on a teeter-totter with a friend? You must trust that person to not get off and send you sailing. The merry go round takes a team effort to get it really spinning with fun. Taking turns in the swings and pushing is another great example of how an adventure playground or any playground for that matter is important to a child and their development.